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Wednesday 18 January 2012


Well as promised my lead and car training has well and truly begun. I still dislike the car intensely but walking is proving to be fun at times - especially as my Mum got me a harness, I'm really not so keen on the collar! 
We have had quite a few short walks now but I'm not so sure about the other dogs we meet, from my garden I can let them know who's boss but out in the street, well that's another matter..........
Dog Training Classes!! - yes you read correctly, my Mum is taking me to dog training classes....owner training classes more like - I know what to do!!!
So there I found myself in a room at the vet with 2 other puppies both younger than me but twice my size! I was nervous at first but soon let them know who's boss! Sit! Stand! Lie!  I don't think so! Maybe next week - I'll let you know. On the plus side the treats were amazing, and plentiful - bring it on!